Today was Josh's bday! It was quite healthy and eventful for us, compared to what Josh's birthday usually is, which he usually doesn't remember:) We bicycled to the Skärva Eco Farm which isn't too far from Karlskrona. There they have a little eco-butik with loads of dried foods, spices and tea.
This farm has remained an organic farm through the 'popular' introduction of chemicals and industrial agriculture. After getting a overview about the history of the farm and Karlskrona itself, we volunteered by picking beans! These bean plants were in dire need of it too, as some had toppled over from the weight of its fruit.

It is such a beautiful place. Riding bikes is definately the way to get here because the air smells so clean and crisp and the scenery is breathtaking.

Below are composting toilets, which don't smell!
This is the farm's peacock.
Karaoke'ing at the Fox and Anchor. Ridiculously fun!