please enjoy this song while reading the following post.
beer and booze in sweden.
it's an odd/expensive thing here.
the only place(other than bars/restaurants) to buy anything over 3.5% is called systembolaget, a government run liquor store with pain in the ass hours. all beer is sold as singles, and unrefrigerated. here is a sampling of my sampling.
mariestads is swedish made, pleasent to drink and was working its way towards being my fallback beer.

my first arboga, 7.3% made it quite appealing.
i bought this because of the graphics and it's also the cheapest beer at systembolaget.
this is the beer reindeer promote, and it's also the only one i've seen tv ads for.
also the deer turn blue when it's cold, i don't know if they stole that from coors or vice-versa, but man am i glad beer technology is on that level.

crystal bought me a 5.3 version of this on my birthday but yesterday i found this 7.2 at the store. it's the same cost as mariestad and more bang for your buck. the "new" fallback.

what!? arboga 10.2!! and you can only buy it in big cans! a bit pricey but a couple of these and you're set buddy!

"sweet land of liberty"
budweiser doesn't have twist off caps in sweden. these folks know how to polish a turd.
sidenote - i am actually trying to update my other blog more regularly now as well. i just posted a mix of swedish death metal on it. enjoy.
I wondered how you'd do beer-wise. Seems like you guys are settling in well.