Swedes used to be badass vikings, now they just use their heritage to inform you of discount items. I personally would like to see a resurgance in raping and piliging the English, but whatever.

Malmö Folkets Park (right behind Debaser) has a ride dedicated to every terrible Batman movie and the awful Catwoman spinoff.
This kid seems shocked and/ or frightened by the fact that you are trying to eat a cake with her face on it, plus the hat thing.
Before the show we went with Jesse and the dactyl's too a party at Deleted Art Records and then to the bar pictured below for more pre-party partying. (photo taken the morning after)

DAY 2!
This is an old cemetary downtown, it had more flowers/ greenary than either of us had seen in too damn long.

Goose crossing.
Malmohus Castle is the oldest Renaissance castle in Scandinavia, it was built by a Danish king when Malmo was part of Denmark and then was fortified in the 1600's (with the addition of the moat seen below) by a Swede and quickly repelled the last Danish attempt to reclaim the land. I think some Danes still hold all this against Sweden, and vice-versa.

Many a Danish invader were most likely killed by arrows shot through this neat little arrow shooting hole. Castles are cool.

This is S:T Petri Kyrka (St. Peter's Church), it dates back to the early 14th century. The picture doesn't really do the steeple justice because it is really ludicrously tall. The fact that it was made without any modern technology (like a crane) is just wild.

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