There were art projects all over the city. Some were better than others, but all together it was amazing to see so many people come together to show that they care through different mediums.

There are so many artists that are visualizing what a ton of CO2 looks like.
You may or may not know our story about not being able to find where we were supposed to stay? We definitely had a case of bad travel karma or something. So after walking around for maybe 5 hours we had to call it a night and find a hotel or hostel. Everything was super booked full because of COP15 and some hotels told us to go back to Sweden! Around 1:30am our cabby told us he knew where some rooms might be available, so off we went! When we got there, he was right; and he also informed us it was the red light district of Copenhagen. It didn't seem like what I saw in Amsterdam, but when we tried to check our email, we realized that perhaps Copenhagens red-light district is just more tech savvy than their neighbors to the south.
We didn't care though, it was clean and comfortable and we got a hell of a deal on the room.

The next day we had a lecture from Alex Steffan of Worldchanging! This was certainly a highlight of...the year for me. It was fantastic and inspiring.
After the night of walking around looking for an invisible apartment my shoes were ruined.
I had to jet home early because I literally couldn't take another step. But I had a great time, I can't wait for COP16 next year. I think its in Cancun.