Friday, November 27, 2009


Josh has been going out of his way to try to fatten me up while we are here. It's my one worst nightmares... after not seeing everyone for a year, to get off the plane and for them to not recognize me. I swear, this happens to people!

So you can understand why I have been trying to scale down his making of delicious baked goods, but the boy is unstoppable and I have finally relented to the sweet apple crisps and chocolate delicacies; not to mention the delicious soups and other random swedish experiments.

I am going to make him post his recipes soon, but in the mean time, here is a mean pierogi recipe.
Use this recipe for Dough (halve this) & this one for Filling
(For the dough I would add another kind of cheese and perhaps a bit more butter. Delicious.)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

350 day: HUMAN GRAPH: Karlskrona

check it out here too.

350 day.

Today we made a human graph to be a part of 350 day, a huge movement across the globe showing that WE care about safe limits of carbon in our atmosphere. Check out the before and after action!

Found hat!

When you lose something outside here, people leave it somewhere you will see it!
Like my hat.
(Thank you)

Wanås Foundation: Ecology and Art conference

Canadian Thanksgiving


avatars myspace at

say hi

School, construction 1

Part of the school is under construction...We'll see shortly how it will turn out!

nature is sexy.

nerd alert! (pt.2)

your leaders of!
pimp myspace
(posted via josh under crystal's username)

Crystal's birthday

We celebrated along with the Oktoberfest festival.

Josh goes European

Calm and lovely day

Someone suds the town fountain

Festival of Diversity

The class made desserts showcasing the many countries we are from...of course I made Chocolate Chip cookies:)

A night of animalistic fun
