Sunday, March 28, 2010

Second hand/ Vintage shops in Malmö

So, in Karlskrona there is not many second hand stores to go to. There is the Red Cross between Trossö and BTH, there is also Human Bridge, which you have to take a bus to and is almost at Kungsmarken. I only went once, its big, but I would only go again if I was really bored because I found no clothing, just a sewing machine.

In Malmö you will be delighted at the fantastic shopping opportunities!
Here is a list of just a few stores I went to, that were told to me by a local lady, Matilda, who works at Deleted Art Records.

Humana: On Möllevångsgatan just east of Södra Förstadsgatan
Great selection of vintage clothing items for men and women
Myrorna: On Södra Förstadsgatan just north of Möllevångsgatan
Vintage and second hand clothing along with belts, jewelry, furniture and bags and everything!
I bought a sweater here and a tank top, and they were about 50kr each. Josh got a dudes collared shirt for the same price!
Rundgång & Deleted Store: On Kristianstadsgatan between Bergsgatan and Norra Parkgatan
This is the super cute record store of the girl that gave me these places. They have a room full of old vintage garments and jewelery. I found adorable baby clothes here for my prego friends!
Tjallamalla: Davidshallsgatan 15
This store has vintage and new things interspersed. They did not have a focus on sustainable or eco fashions, but they had the vintage finds and pieces made in Sweden. I bought a dress from a super old Swedish company that I hope to wear allllll summer.

I'm not a big shopper, but I hadn't bought anything (except a winter hat and slippers) since we arrived in August. So it was so nice to make conscious purchases that I will have for a long long time. Yay!

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